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How We Teach Online

As online tutors, the technology we use is crucial to providing a good education, especially in these times! But how do we make sure online learning is fun, interactive and inclusive? For over a year now, we have been practicing high quality learning through different platforms such as Zoom, Skype and Bitpaper, and we have become pretty good at it! So let us tell you how we do it...

BitPaper is an interactive whiteboard which allows you to upload pictures, videos and PDF documents. This means that during the sessions we are able to prepare worksheets, reading documents and even links to websites and games. The pages located at the side of the BitPaper allows you to save and record previous work. This is fantastic for observing the progress from each lesson. The student is also able to access Bitpaper and can work through worksheets with us, as if sat next to each other!

Alongside BitPaper, our tutors use Skype or Zoom. The features of both mean that screens can be shared, lessons can be recorded, and both applications are very reliable! But how do we make it fun?

Fun is the KEY to a good online lesson.

There is nothing worse than trying to stay awake at 9am while staring at a white screen, or watching the teacher read off a powerpoint! The answer? Interactivity. Asking children to support our lessons by drawing, using their iPad, choosing colours, playing games, watching videos and creating fantastic pieces of work!

We can use Bitpaper to cater for children with Specific Learning Difficulties too. For example, in the case of a dyslexic student, we have the opportunity to change background colours, space out lettering and even record the session to ensure that learning can be revisited at any time! It really is a goldmine for specific needs.

For many students, having access to reliable technology is crucial for exam preparation. Decoding exam questions on Bitpaper, recording sessions on Skype, being able to go through questions 1 on 1 with the tutor, and especially having constant access to all the work they have done during the lead up, creates a perfect revision platform with excellent results.

So don’t pass up on online learning before you’ve given it a go! We take pride in the lessons we produce and take time to ensure that quality learning is available to all, and we are very proud of it.

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