At Sammie Allen Tutoring, Christmas vibes come naturally to us. We start putting tinsel in our hair, wearing Christmas pyjamas and all through November, we are bursting to see that little golden Christmas light at the end of an incredibly long winter’s tunnel. We can’t wait to defrost our old Christmas teaching resources, and start to bring that little twinkle back to our student’s eyes. Let’s bring you along for the sleigh ride and have a look at what Christmas content we can provide!
Let’s begin with grammar. Although writing fronted adverbials can make our students shiver, conversations about how to make them Christmas themed can certainly make us all feel a bit more merry… It is Christmas after all! In this example, we provided our students with Fronted Adverbials in the form of sentence openers, then asked them to describe their favourite Christmas activities to finish the sentence with, such as opening presents, eating Christmas dinner, watching Christmas movies, and even throwing snowballs, twice! Leaving open-ended sentences for our students to fill let’s them take control over their writing and narrow down all the Christmassy ideas buzzing around their heads into their 6 favourite activities.

Take a look at this Christmas board game! Equipped with cards and counters, work your way through the board and whenever you land on an odd number (1,3,5 etc), you must answer a Christmas themed maths trivia question, and whenever you land on an even number (2,4,6 etc), you must spell a tricky Christmas word like tinsel, pinecone or even tradition! This was certainly a lot of fun to create, and promotes really interactive, hands-on learning. This is an excellent example of a child-centered Christmas activity aged at 4-11, however it can be adapted to KS3 or even GCSE level learning!

Our final example of a Christmas themed activity is this creative writing piece. Aimed at ages 4-7 the task was to find appropriate adjectives for this picture. The pictures ranged from winter wonderland, to an incredibly excited child in front of a hoard of presents, it was certainly exciting for our students! They then had to use commas in a list to accurately describe the picture in front of them. We think they did pretty well.
