Technology has always been present in the classroom. But turning technology into the classroom? What a strange concept!

When the first cases of covid-19 hit back in March, tutors were forced to move from the wonderful, interactive face to face sessions to staring blankly at a computer screen, whilst attempting to avoid staring at the top right hand corner of Skype. We had to lock the family out of the living room, argue with BT about the terrible signal, and say “can you hear me?” about 1000 times a day.
So how did we cope? How did we adapt? Well the story of the movement to online tutoring was not an easy one, but it’s safe to say, that what we have all learned this year at Sammie Allen Tutoring is that good education is available to all, no matter the circumstances. With the right training, and the right equipment, high quality teaching became achievable. Living room sofas and kitchen tables became the new classroom, the new area of inspiration and creativity, and many had to adjust to finding new ways of keeping children motivated!
Staring at a computer screen for hours can take its toll on anyone, especially children, so we got to it, straight away, and started creating masterpieces!

I have witnessed teachers moving away from the predictable powerpoint presentation and setting up the camera across the other side of the room, straining their voices by asking a child to recite their 5 times tables whilst doing star jumps.

It opened a new world into what online learning can do! Creativity began to flow through all of us and, as you can see, quality learning became easy.
Our tutors at Sammie Allen Tutoring have gone above and beyond to ensure that one tiny screen can be the eyes into a new world of learning.